
Credit your wallet with EatTasty credits and receive up to 16€ extra on your account.

*All Credits are valid for 12 months.

How to buy EatTasty Credits?

Option 1 Credit Card, Debit Card and Paypal

  1. Select a pack by clicking on "Buy".
  2. Select the payment method "Credit Card", "Debit Card" or "Paypal".
  3. Confirm the payment, clicking on "Buy".
  4. The credits will be automatically available in your account, including the extra value.
  5. Select your meal and choose to pay with "EatTasty Credits" at the checkout.

Option 2 Multibanco Reference

  1. Select a pack by clicking on "Buy".
  2. Select the payment method "Multibanco Reference".
  3. Proceed with the payment, clicking on "Buy".
  4. You will see the information to make the payment on confirmation page. You will receive an email with this information too.
  5. The credits will be automatically available in your account, including the extra offer right after you have finished the payment.
  6. Select your meal and choose to pay with "EatTasty Credits" at the checkout.

Option 3 MB Way

  1. Select a pack by clicking on "Buy".
  2. Select the payment method "MBway".
  3. Insert your MBway phone number.
  4. Proceed with the payment, clicking on "Buy".
  5. Accept the payment on your MBway APP.
  6. The credits will be automatically available in your account, including the extra offer right after you have finished the payment.
  7. Select your meal and choose to pay with "EatTasty Credits" at the checkout.