Ingredients and information on EatTasty's meals and drinks.
Gambas na chapa quente com alho e gengibre, cogumelos, algas, bambu e alho francês, acompanhadas com arroz branco.
Weight: 400gContém crustáceos, trigo, leite e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Gambas na chapa quente com alho e gengibre, cogumelos, algas, bambu e alho francês, acompanhadas com arroz branco.
Weight: 400gContém crustáceos, trigo, leite e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Cuscuz com Funcho Caramelizado e Verduras, Queijo de Cabra e Sementes de Sésamo
Contém glúten, produtos à base de leite (queijo de cabra e manteiga) e sementes de sésamo. Pode conter vestígios de frutos de casca rija, soja, amendoim e dióxido de enxofre.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Cuscuz com Funcho Caramelizado e Verduras, Queijo de Cabra e Sementes de Sésamo
Contém glúten, produtos à base de leite (queijo de cabra e manteiga) e sementes de sésamo. Pode conter vestígios de frutos de casca rija, soja, amendoim e dióxido de enxofre.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Cupcake de chocolate belga 60% com cobertura de ganashe de chocolate.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, ovo e pode conter vestigios de frutos de casca rija e outros cereais com glúten
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Cupcake de chocolate belga 60% com cobertura de ganashe de chocolate.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, ovo e pode conter vestigios de frutos de casca rija e outros cereais com glúten
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Tarte de cream cheese, crumble de bolacha e cobertura de frutos vermelhos.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, soja, metabissulfito e vestígios de sementes de gergelim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Tarte de cream cheese, crumble de bolacha e cobertura de frutos vermelhos.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, soja, metabissulfito e vestígios de sementes de gergelim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Tarte de cream cheese, crumble de bolacha e cobertura de caramelo com flor de sal.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, soja, metabisulfito e pode conter vestigios de sementes de sésamo.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Tarte de cream cheese, crumble de bolacha e cobertura de caramelo com flor de sal.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, soja, metabisulfito e pode conter vestigios de sementes de sésamo.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Poke de salmão com abacate, abacaxi, pepino, pickes, tobiko e maionese picante.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, ovas de peixe, sementes de sésamo, ovo, soja, trigo e mostarda
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
Adorei, comia mais
Estava TOP!
saboroso e chegou na hora!
Estava ótimo
Poke de salmão com abacate, abacaxi, pepino, pickes, tobiko e maionese picante.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, ovas de peixe, sementes de sésamo, ovo, soja, trigo e mostarda
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Salmão no forno com pesto e crosta de broa, com puré de batata e courgette.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, leite, queijo, ovo, castanha de caju e vestigios de moluscos, crustáceos, aipo, mostarda, dioxido de enxofre, sementes de sésamo, tremoço, soja, amendoim e outros frutos de casca rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
Ótimo! Acho que se tornou meu prato preferido da eattasty.
Almoço delicioso!
Muito bom. Gostei muito.
Sabor excelente e dose perfeita!
Salmão no forno com pesto e crosta de broa, com puré de batata e courgette.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, leite, queijo, ovo, castanha de caju e vestigios de moluscos, crustáceos, aipo, mostarda, dioxido de enxofre, sementes de sésamo, tremoço, soja, amendoim e outros frutos de casca rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
Marlon Dos santos
Ótimo! Acho que se tornou meu prato preferido da eattasty.
Sofia Ribeiro
Almoço delicioso!
Isabel Refacho
Muito bom. Gostei muito.
Mariana Vara
Sabor excelente e dose perfeita!
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Lasanha com abóbora, lentilhas, espinafres e requeijão.
Contém ovo, glúten e leite.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
Estava óptimo, bem temperado e a massa aldente.
Very balanced and tasty meal. Warm at arrival as well. Perfect
Very tasty vegetarian lasagna.
Bem temperada e muito saborosa!
Estava muito bom. Gostei muito.
Lasanha com abóbora, lentilhas, espinafres e requeijão.
Contém ovo, glúten e leite.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
What our clients say about this:
Inês Tavares
Estava óptimo, bem temperado e a massa aldente.
Nil Amrutlal
Very balanced and tasty meal. Warm at arrival as well. Perfect
Michela Da Costa
Very tasty vegetarian lasagna.
Maria Garcia
Bem temperada e muito saborosa!
Paula Leal
Estava muito bom. Gostei muito.
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Lulas fritas com batata frita, coentros, pickles e azeitona
Weight: 400gWithout dressing: Molusco e Sulfitos
With dressing: Contém molusco e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Lulas fritas com batata frita, coentros, pickles e azeitona
Weight: 400gWithout dressing: Molusco e Sulfitos
With dressing: Contém molusco e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Creme de Feijão Branco com Camarão e Coentros
Weight: 250gContém camarão (crustáceo), metabissulfito e pode conter vestigios de tremoço e soja.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Creme de Feijão Branco com Camarão e Coentros
Weight: 250gContém camarão (crustáceo), metabissulfito e pode conter vestigios de tremoço e soja.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Vegetais Enrolados em Massa de Pizza
Weight: 150gTrigo, Leite, Soja.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Vegetais Enrolados em Massa de Pizza
Weight: 150gTrigo, Leite, Soja.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Poke de Salmão e Atum com Arroz Japonês, Abacate, Pepino, Gengibre em Pickle, Edamame e Molho de Soja
Weight: 400gWithout dressing: Contém peixe, soja, trigo, e sulfitos.
With dressing: Contém peixe, soja, trigo, e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Poke de Salmão e Atum com Arroz Japonês, Abacate, Pepino, Gengibre em Pickle, Edamame e Molho de Soja
Weight: 400gWithout dressing: Contém peixe, soja, trigo, e sulfitos.
With dressing: Contém peixe, soja, trigo, e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Cupcake red velvet com creme de limão.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo, leite e pode conter vestigios de soja, frutos de casca rija, sementes de sésamo e dioxido de enxofre
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Cupcake red velvet com creme de limão.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo, leite e pode conter vestigios de soja, frutos de casca rija, sementes de sésamo e dioxido de enxofre
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Massa Doce Frita Polvilhada com Açúcar e Dulce de Leche
Weight: 150gWithout dressing: Contém Trigo e pode conter vestígios de soja, leite, ovo, frutos de casca rija e amendoim
With dressing: Contém Trigo, leite e pode conter vestígios de soja, ovo, frutos de casca rija e amendoim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Massa Doce Frita Polvilhada com Açúcar e Dulce de Leche
Weight: 150gWithout dressing: Contém Trigo e pode conter vestígios de soja, leite, ovo, frutos de casca rija e amendoim
With dressing: Contém Trigo, leite e pode conter vestígios de soja, ovo, frutos de casca rija e amendoim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Filetes de Peixe em Crosta de Amendoim com Arroz de Alho e Amêijoa
Weight: 400gContém peixe, molusco, ovo, amendoim, trigo, soja e vestigios de leite, frutos de casca rija, sementes de sésamo e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Filetes de Peixe em Crosta de Amendoim com Arroz de Alho e Amêijoa
Weight: 400gContém peixe, molusco, ovo, amendoim, trigo, soja e vestigios de leite, frutos de casca rija, sementes de sésamo e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Sopa Cremosa e Ervilhas e Cebola
Weight: 250ml* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Sopa Cremosa e Ervilhas e Cebola
Weight: 250ml* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Massa Esparguete com Molho de Tomate Picante, Cogumelos, Manjericão, Queijo Parmesão e Tomate Cereja Assado
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite e ovo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Massa Esparguete com Molho de Tomate Picante, Cogumelos, Manjericão, Queijo Parmesão e Tomate Cereja Assado
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite e ovo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Salada de Mozzarella, Rucula, Espinafres, tomate Cereja, Pera, Pão, Molho Pesto e Redução de Balsámico
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite, frutos de casca rija (nozes e pinhões) e vestígios de sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Salada de Mozzarella, Rucula, Espinafres, tomate Cereja, Pera, Pão, Molho Pesto e Redução de Balsámico
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite, frutos de casca rija (nozes e pinhões) e vestígios de sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Sumo 100% Natural de Laranja e Maracujá (25cl)
Weight: 250ml* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Sumo 100% Natural de Laranja e Maracujá (25cl)
Weight: 250ml* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Pão de Ló com Topping de Framboesa
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo e leite e pode conter vestigios de soja, sementes de sésamo, frutos de casca rija e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Pão de Ló com Topping de Framboesa
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo e leite e pode conter vestigios de soja, sementes de sésamo, frutos de casca rija e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Natas Cozidas e Topping de Caramelo Salgado
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, soja, sulfitos e pode conter vestígios de sementes de sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Natas Cozidas e Topping de Caramelo Salgado
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, soja, sulfitos e pode conter vestígios de sementes de sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Lombo de salmão grelhado com molho agridoce asiático, acompanhado com quinoa e verduras salteadas em molho de tomate.
Weight: 400gContém peixe e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Lombo de salmão grelhado com molho agridoce asiático, acompanhado com quinoa e verduras salteadas em molho de tomate.
Weight: 400gContém peixe e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Polvo Guisado com Pimentos, Cenoura Curgete, Coentros e Arroz Branco
Weight: 400gContém molusco (polvo) e pode conter vestigios de mostarda, sulfitos e glúten.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Polvo Guisado com Pimentos, Cenoura Curgete, Coentros e Arroz Branco
Weight: 400gContém molusco (polvo) e pode conter vestigios de mostarda, sulfitos e glúten.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Sopa chinesa de ovo e milho com sumiri, óleo de sésamo e molho de soja.
Weight: 250mlContém peixe, crustáceos, ovo, trigo e outros cereais com glúten, soja, sementes de sésamo e pode conter vestígios de leite, aipo, mostarda e molusco
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Sopa chinesa de ovo e milho com sumiri, óleo de sésamo e molho de soja.
Weight: 250mlContém peixe, crustáceos, ovo, trigo e outros cereais com glúten, soja, sementes de sésamo e pode conter vestígios de leite, aipo, mostarda e molusco
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Bolo de Chocolate com Cobertura de Caramelo Salgado
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, ovo e pode conter vestígios de soja, frutos de casca rija e sementes de sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Bolo de Chocolate com Cobertura de Caramelo Salgado
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, ovo e pode conter vestígios de soja, frutos de casca rija e sementes de sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Pataniscas de bacallhau acompanhadas com arroz de alho e tomate cereja assado.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, ovo e cevada.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Pataniscas de bacallhau acompanhadas com arroz de alho e tomate cereja assado.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, ovo e cevada.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Bolacha envolvida em chocolate .
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Bolacha envolvida em chocolate .
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Brownie de chocolate com nozes e cobertura de caramelo salgado.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, soja, ovo, noz e pode conter vestigios de outros cereais com glúten, amendoim, frutos de casca rija, sésamo e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Brownie de chocolate com nozes e cobertura de caramelo salgado.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, leite, nata, soja, ovo, noz e pode conter vestigios de outros cereais com glúten, amendoim, frutos de casca rija, sésamo e sulfitos.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Brigadeiro Tradicional, Beijinho de Coco, Brigadeiro de Caramelo e Brigadeiro de Cacau.
Weight: 66gContém leite, trigo e pode conter vestigios de amendoim, frutos de casca rija, outros cereais que contêm glúten e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Brigadeiro Tradicional, Beijinho de Coco, Brigadeiro de Caramelo e Brigadeiro de Cacau.
Weight: 66gContém leite, trigo e pode conter vestigios de amendoim, frutos de casca rija, outros cereais que contêm glúten e soja
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
2 Sashimi Salmão, 1 Sashimi Salmão Braseado, 2 Nigiri Salmão Braseado, 3 Hosomaki Manga e Pimento, 2 Gunkan Cogumelo, 2 California Manga e Tomate Seco e 2 Uramaki Salmão Pepino
Weight: 300g* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
2 Sashimi Salmão, 1 Sashimi Salmão Braseado, 2 Nigiri Salmão Braseado, 3 Hosomaki Manga e Pimento, 2 Gunkan Cogumelo, 2 California Manga e Tomate Seco e 2 Uramaki Salmão Pepino
Weight: 300g* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Esparguete nero com verduras e camarão salteado com gengibre e sésamo.
Weight: 400gContém trigo, crustáceo, molusco, sulfitos, sementes de sésamo e pode conter vestigios de ovo e leite
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Esparguete nero com verduras e camarão salteado com gengibre e sésamo.
Weight: 400gContém trigo, crustáceo, molusco, sulfitos, sementes de sésamo e pode conter vestigios de ovo e leite
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Cogumelos shiitake, algas com babú e alho francês salteados em óleo de sésamo, com arroz branco.
Weight: 400gContém trigo, soja, sésamo e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Cogumelos shiitake, algas com babú e alho francês salteados em óleo de sésamo, com arroz branco.
Weight: 400gContém trigo, soja, sésamo e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Camadas de chantily de leite condensado com crumble de bolacha e amêndoa.
Weight: 100gContém Trigo, Leite, Soja, Amêndoa, Sulfitos, Malte e Pode Conter Vestígios de Amendoim, Sésamo, Ovo, Cereais com Glúten e Outros Frutos de Casca Rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Camadas de chantily de leite condensado com crumble de bolacha e amêndoa.
Weight: 100gContém Trigo, Leite, Soja, Amêndoa, Sulfitos, Malte e Pode Conter Vestígios de Amendoim, Sésamo, Ovo, Cereais com Glúten e Outros Frutos de Casca Rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Massa Panada e Recheada com Camarão acompanhada de Molho Cocktail
Weight: 150g Units: 2Without dressing: Com molho: Contém custáceos, leite, trigo, ovo, aipo, soja, mostarda e pode conter vestígios de outros cereais com glúten. Sem molho: Contém custáceos, leite, trigo, ovo e pode conter vestígios de outros cereais com glúten
With dressing:
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Massa Panada e Recheada com Camarão acompanhada de Molho Cocktail
Weight: 150g Units: 2Without dressing: Com molho: Contém custáceos, leite, trigo, ovo, aipo, soja, mostarda e pode conter vestígios de outros cereais com glúten. Sem molho: Contém custáceos, leite, trigo, ovo e pode conter vestígios de outros cereais com glúten
With dressing:
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Massa Esparguete com Molho de Tomate Picante, Cogumelos, Manjericão, Queijo Parmesão e Tomate Cereja Assado
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite e ovo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Massa Esparguete com Molho de Tomate Picante, Cogumelos, Manjericão, Queijo Parmesão e Tomate Cereja Assado
Weight: 400gContém trigo, leite e ovo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Brownie de alfarroba e chocolate 60% cacau com nozes.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo, soja, leite, nozes e pode conter vestigios de amendoim, frutos de casca rija, outros cereais com contêm glúten, sementes de sésamo e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Brownie de alfarroba e chocolate 60% cacau com nozes.
Weight: 120gContém trigo, ovo, soja, leite, nozes e pode conter vestigios de amendoim, frutos de casca rija, outros cereais com contêm glúten, sementes de sésamo e sulfitos
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Lombo de bacalhau com pesto, massa fregola sarda, verduras e queijo feta.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, leite, ovo, caju e pode conter vestigios de outros frutos de casca rija e amendoim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Lombo de bacalhau com pesto, massa fregola sarda, verduras e queijo feta.
Weight: 400gContém peixe, trigo, leite, ovo, caju e pode conter vestigios de outros frutos de casca rija e amendoim
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Merengue Recheado com Compota de Frutos Vermelhos Coberto com Chantilly e Fruta Vermelha Fresca
Weight: 100gContém ovo e leite.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Merengue Recheado com Compota de Frutos Vermelhos Coberto com Chantilly e Fruta Vermelha Fresca
Weight: 100gContém ovo e leite.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Lascas de bacalhau envolvidas em cebola, grelos e batata com crosta de broa de milho
Weight: 400gPeixe, Trigo, Centeio, Sulfitos, Vestigios de Ovo e Sementes de Sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Lascas de bacalhau envolvidas em cebola, grelos e batata com crosta de broa de milho
Weight: 400gPeixe, Trigo, Centeio, Sulfitos, Vestigios de Ovo e Sementes de Sésamo
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Estufado brasileiro de camarão, pimentão e coco com arroz branco e amendoim torrado.
Weight: 400gContém crustáceos, soja, amendoim e pode conter vestigios de sementes de sésamo, sulfitos e outros frutos de casca rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Estufado brasileiro de camarão, pimentão e coco com arroz branco e amendoim torrado.
Weight: 400gContém crustáceos, soja, amendoim e pode conter vestigios de sementes de sésamo, sulfitos e outros frutos de casca rija
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Massa de batata com bacalhau desfiado em molho de tomate e erva doce com azeitona preta, tomate cereja e manjericão
Weight: 400gPeixe, trigo, Sulfitos , Peixe, Molusco, Crustáceos, Soja, Ovo e Leite
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Massa de batata com bacalhau desfiado em molho de tomate e erva doce com azeitona preta, tomate cereja e manjericão
Weight: 400gPeixe, trigo, Sulfitos , Peixe, Molusco, Crustáceos, Soja, Ovo e Leite
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.
Caril de Queijo Indiano Artesanal com Pimento, Cebola, Tomate e Sementes de Girassol acompanhado de Arroz Basmati
Weight: 400g
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