Ingredients and information on EatTasty's meals and drinks.
Fish Fillets in Peanut Crust with Garlic and Clam Rice
Weight: 400gContains fish, shellfish, egg, peanuts, wheat, soy and traces of milk, nuts, sesame seeds and sulfites.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
Fish Fillets in Peanut Crust with Garlic and Clam Rice
Weight: 400gContains fish, shellfish, egg, peanuts, wheat, soy and traces of milk, nuts, sesame seeds and sulfites.
* Reference dose for an average adult (2000 kcal / 8400 kJ)
The perception of healthy differs from one person to another. Instead of identifying our food as healthy or not healthy, we created a new sub-category called SELF-CARE in which we disclose the main benefits that can be taken from a specific meal, following our own standards. All dishes within this category are identified with a label in our menu.
elty is EatTasty's new exclusive brand created to satisfy the most conscious appetites. For those who want to eat well and healthy without having to think much about it, elty is the simple, comfortable and delicious solution. Full of nutrients.